Hello Allie;

Tuesday, April 17, 2001, 5:03:44 PM, you wrote:

Tmtdc> Also, if you wish to quote only selected text, hit F4 after selecting the
Tmtdc> text. This will generate a reply with only the selected text quoted.

Tmtdc> Another option would be to remove the %Quotes macro from your
reply Tmtdc> template and enable in the message editor 'View'=>
'Original Text'. From Tmtdc> the original text window you can copy and
paste as a quotation what you like.

 Hitting F4 generated the above message. As I said earlier the %Quotes
 macro is a mystery to me. I don't understand it let alone dare to
 change it. At present only paste functions are usable in the message
 editor. Would 'View'=> change that?   What if any function do the
 apostrophes ('View') have?  Are they omitted in actual practice?

     Could you or someone just explain the basics of threaded
     messaging?  How can I best take your comments out of my digest,
     quote them and then reply still keeping the integrity of the

     At present I see that as highlight text, F4, and reply to
     individual thoughts (yours) by inserting my comments between

     Also, reply or F4 puts "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the To: bar of the message. Thus
     far I've been dutifully cleaning that up to the suggested reply
     address of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" I suspect that's an
     unnecessary PITA but better than chancing a critique by

            [P.S Allie; You brought my mentoring on yourself with all
     the great points you made about The Bat's superiority in your
     mail-client debate with Phil from Opera-users.  ; >  ]

         Best regards,
azrael mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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