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On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 20:27:15 -0400, azrael thoughtfully wrote the

I see that you're already getting a lot of help there Azrael. Good.
However, I'll throw in my little bit because things explained to you in
different words etc. usually leads to a full understanding.

a>  Hitting F4 generated the above message. As I said earlier the %Quotes
a>  macro is a mystery to me. I don't understand it let alone dare to
a>  change it.

Don't dare? <vbg> They bark way more than they actually bite, believe me.
These macros are just requests made by you to output portions of text or
information that's in the message to which you're replying. It will also
output system information for you such as the date and time (%Date, %Time)
or other useful information. They were designed to prevent repetitive

%Quotes will quote all the message body for you. Anywhere you place it in
you template, all the message body of the message to which you're replying
will be quoted. Another related macro is %Text. This one will output the
entire text of the message without quoting it.

The best way to understand these macros is to experiment with them.
There's an article in the TB! FAQ which outlines the template structure
<http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/templates.html>. It will also give you
an idea of what these templates and macros can do for you. Experiment away
..... :=)

a> At present only paste functions are usable in the message editor. Would
a> 'View'=> change that? What if any function do the apostrophes ('View')
a> have? Are they omitted in actual practice?

I was actually giving directions to menu items. "View" is actually
pointing to the View menu item in your editor window.

a> Could you or someone just explain the basics of threaded messaging?

Threading is simply the process of grouping together messages which have
some common attribute. They may share the same subject (threading by
subject), they may share the same reference ID's in their headers
(threading by references), they may share the same author (threading by
sender/from) or they may share the same recipient (threading by
recipient/to). You will see these choices in the View menus under the
submenu item 'View threads by'. Most use either threading by references or
threading by subject.

Let me explain threading by references:

Each of TB!'s and some other e-mail client's messages have a unique
message ID which is in the headers. The message ID for your message is as
taken from your message headers:


If you were to examine the headers for this message that I'm sending to
you, you will see that my message has its own unique ID as yours has, and
below that you will also see:

              That's your message ID. The one to which I'm replying.

TB! uses that piece of header information to associate my message with
yours, and through these message ID's TB! will also know that my message
is a direct response to yours. They will therefore be threaded together
as below (irrespective of when I send the message to you):

+ - Your message
  - - My message

My message will appear chronologically after yours if you also thread in
descending order based on received time.

The only way to truly grasp this is to see threading in action. I suggest
that you switch to receiving TBUDL messages individually and then switch
to threading by references, with sorting by received time in descending

a> How can I best take your comments out of my digest, quote them and then
a> reply still keeping the integrity of the threading?

Hopefully, you'll realize after my explanation that this cannot be done.
Since when you reply to the digest message, you're not replying directly
to me. TB! will therefore not be able to generate that critical piece of
header information:

In-Reply-To: <my message id>

This is therefore another reason to encourage switching to receiving the
messages individually if you wish to participate heavily in the discussion
group. :=)

a> At present I see that as highlight text, F4, and reply to individual
a> thoughts (yours) by inserting my comments between them.

Yes. That's all you can really do when replying to plain digest messages.

a> Also, reply or F4 puts "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
a> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in the To: bar of the message. Thus far I've
a> been dutifully cleaning that up to the suggested reply address of
a> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" I suspect that's an unnecessary PITA but
a> better than chancing a critique by mailer-daemon.

Again, that's because you're replying to the message digest. That's the
addressing that TB! dutifully extracted from the digest headers. Yet
another reason not to use digests if you frequently feel the need to reply
to posters contributions. <g>

- --
         -= A. Curtis Martin =-
    List Moderator (and fellow end-user)
   The Bat! v1.52 Beta/7 \\// Win2k (SP1)

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Comment: PGP Key ID: 0x57C9EB602B0717E2   (Sealed for security).


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