Hello Peter,

Monday, May 07, 2001, 11:41:50 AM, you wrote:

RL>> I've been using The Bat for a few days now and so far I'm extremely
RL>> impressed and plan to register it in a few days time.

RL>> However, there's something that I'm either missing how to do, or it isn't
RL>> available. When I open a folder from one of the many mailing lists I'm
RL>> subscribed to and select new, I have to open up the address book to select
RL>> the address for it. Is there a way of specifying a default address that
RL>> should be inserted on any new mails created when in a particular folder?

> Try a look at the Folder-Properties / Template ... in the Template use the
> macro

> %TO="Mailinglistename <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

> to set the proper recipient :-)

Ah ha, now I know where I'm looking for these things, I can work out how to
configure them to my needs. Much more versatile than I'm use to.

Thanks for the help.

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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