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Hello Allie!

On Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 8:00:40 PM you wrote:

> Don't hold your breath on my looking it up <g>, but it's interesting that
> the problem follows you across installations, assuming that these are
> fresh installations and not backups being restored on other machines.

They are not backups. The first time I encountered the problem on an
LAN in an agency I worked for. It was the first time I really needed
the MT, since I could get mail any second and did not want to look
myself. That's why I always point out the main function of the MT not
as a virtual folder but a real-time notifier.

The second time was on my own machine, where I just tested it (you
see: dial-up paid for by minute, no 24/7). The agency machine - it
were actually two different machines, both with new install, both
differently setup hardware-wise, both quite old (one Pentium, one PII)
- - was very different to mine.

My machine has a Matrox G400 DH (32MB), a PII (233 MHz), and the rest
you find in the sig. Oh, it's an SCSI comp. DirectX 7a is installed
and the font smoother from MS (W95gray).

> I've never had a ticker problem. It just keeps scrolling.

Just tested, it does not scroll.

> Let's see .... could it be a particular ticker configuration?

Show automatically, Always on top, Auto-zoom, messages of all
priority, Age-limit set to Maximum 30 s, faster. Put on the upper edge
of the monitor.

Tested it with other options (Thin view, Auto-zoom off, not on one of
the edges, no age limit), always gets stuck.

- --
Dierk Haasis

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