
Wednesday, September 19, 2001, 8:55:17 PM, you wrote:

R> Neal,

R> On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, at 20:37:45 [GMT -0700] (which was 9:07 AM where I live) you
R> wrote:

NK>> I'm sure I must have some settings wrong. Hope someone can point me
NK>>   right...Thanks...

R> Refers to Januk's reply on the same.

>> Note: TB will not download images from the web. However, pictures are
>> shown if they are included in the mail.

NK>> All I see is the original HTML source. 

>> I suspect the sender is sending improper HTML. If there is a text
>> part and an HTML part, TB shows the text part. If there is no text
>> part, then TB automatically strips out the HTML code to make it more
>> human readable.

I think you are confusing my last 2 questions (I'm a bit confused
myself :-) The first one dealt with why some HTML message don't show
anything except the code. The second one dealt with an HTML message
that shows some color, font and some other features, but graphics
(GIF, JPG, etc files) are not included and seem to exist as separate
attachments...Hope that cleared up the questions...

Best regards,
 Neal                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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