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@ 09:57:51 +1300 [ Thu, 1 Nov 2001], Carren [C] contributed this to
our collective wisdom:
C> It would appear, after much tearing out of hair, that Windows
C> Explorer has not been updating it's TB! information according to
C> changes I have made over time within TB! For instance - at various
C> times I have rearranged my accounts and folders - TBUDL mail once
C> went to Account A and now goes to Account B. For some reason these
C> changes have not been mirrored in Explorer...and consequently when
C> I have attempted to load my TBUDL mail for archiving
C> purposes....Mailbag Assistant has become confused.

For me, I've noted that TB! will not rename account folders when you
rename the accounts via the TB! interface. However, I've been making a
lot of changes *within* accounts for the last couple weeks and all
folder names and movements have been exactly reflected in the explorer
folder tree. I even moved three folders from one account to another
and this was accurately reflected in explorer.

But hold on. If you move folders around in TB!, it *will* break any
shortcuts that you may have created in Mailbag Assistant, since the
shortcuts are pointing to the folders original location and not where
you moved them to.

I don't see how Mailbag Assistant would get confused unless you're
referring to bookmarks/shortcuts that you created. Otherwise it's you
who have to manually navigate to the message bases.

C> I seem to have corrected the problem by deleting one account and
C> re-creating it, re-creating my TBUDL folders, and emptying trash
C> and re-booting between all these operations. Explorer *now* appears
C> to be in synch with TB! Hopefully, things will now work as they
C> should.

C> My question really is, why has Explorer *not* been keeping up with
C> changes I have made with TB! Is this an Explorer issue or a TB!
C> one?

TB! seems to keep up here at my end. If the changes aren't being
reflected in Explorer then it's TB!'s fault.

- --
©Allie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
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