Hallo Wayne,

Op Thu, 1 Nov 2001 10:09:59 -0800 (PST)GMT (dat is 1-11-01, 19:09
+0100GMT waar ik woon), schreef jij: 

WQ> Hi. I am using the registered version of The Bat V1.53d as a
WQ> mail server. I need to figure out how to create a filter that
WQ> will delete (send to trash) any mail sent to an account after a
WQ> specified date: I.E. Joe User is working under contract until
WQ> 12/01/01. His incoming mail after that date needs to
WQ> automatically be deleted.
WQ> The main issue is triggering the filter on or after a certain
WQ> date. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Create a filter that kills (or better yet, moves to a folder in a
different account) all mail for that user with the additional
condition that your user is in the address book group 'Bad users'.
That's the killing part of your question.

Now you create a rule that places the recipient of the mail in an
address book group called 'Bad users' when the subject is something
like 'This user account has been terminated!' while the sender is the
administrator of the LAN.

Now all you have to do is to create on the moment that the account has
to be terminated a message is sent by the administrator to the expired
user with your termination subject.
This can be achieved by starting TB by the scheduler that's integrated
within Windows. For the specifics search TB-help for /MAIL

Mind you. I haven't tested this, for I'm not running the TB in server
mode, nor do I intend to, because I'm already running a real server on
my one-person LAN.

If it works (and as as I can see it, it should) it has one drawback:
The account isn't deleted, it's not getting any new mail, so any old
mail can be read/collected until you've physically removed the

Another option (not one that I'd prefer) is to set a filter to run an
external program on a given filter condition. The program in case
should be a batch-file or whatever that deletes or renames the account
directory for the to be deleted account, so TB can't find the
messagebase that belongs to that account. But since I'm not fully
aware of the consequences of deleting TB's folders while TB is

Groetjes, Roelof

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