Hello Luc,

On Friday, December 28 2001 at 08:09 PM PDT, you wrote:

> Well,  it's  strange because one of the reason i changed from outlook to
> The   Bat!   was   it's   wrapping:  as  i  was  led  to  believe,  the
> wrapping problems in pgp would be history with The Bat!

They are history. With TB, you can turn PGP's wrapping off altogether,
and simply go with TB's wrapping set at a comfortable 76 to 74.

> But  maybe  my  key  comment was way to long to handle, i have shortened
> it....  hopefully  this  will be the end of it ........ pgp that doesn't
> work correctly,

That has to be a system specific problem for you. You are the only one
I've ever heard of having that kind of problem.

> wrapping that causes problems: one begins to wonder "why
> do i even bother?" :)

One thing I would do is turn off Options/Editor Preferences "Justify on
Wrap". It too adds difficulty in reading your messages because of the
extra spaces that are inserted. If you consider that, along with your
previous 80 character line length, and your especially long and
unwrapped opening and closing lines, you can quickly see how you've set
yourself up for wrapping/PGP signature and readability problems.
However, we seem to be slowly winning the battle. :o)


-=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-
   Win 98SE | PGP 7.1 | Becky v2.00.08

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