Hello ::Andrew::,

On 11 Jan 2002 at 16:19:59 you wrote (at least in part):

A> My physical mememory is 1 gig and I'm only  using 24%, Virtual memory
A> is 2047mb 3% used and paging file is 2462mb with only 6% used.

That's all nice values, but not mentioning _hard disk space_.
I'll stand corrected if you say 'physical memory' is what I meant as
'hard disk space'. But this is quite impossible as with 1 GB hard disk
you couldn't have used nearly 2,4 GB paging file.

So can you simply open a file explorer, focus 'C:\' (assuming your
windows is installed on drive C:) right click it and choose
'Properties' from context menu and tell me (us?) what's stated as
'Used Space' and as 'Free Space'?
I'm assuming you did nothing special to your windows installation so I
assume further more your temporary directory is set to a default
value. This will be something like
'c:\documents and setting\<Username>\local settings\temp'
(or similar)

What I need to know is how much space is left on that 'physical
device' for storing temporary data like The Bat! does when compressing
your mail base(s).
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54 Beta/26 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

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