Hello John,

On 11 Jan 2002 at 19:01:43 you wrote (at least in part):

JT> 2) I have multiple personalities (hopefully I do not need a doctor).

If so many of us would need one :-)

JT> When I click on a mailto link in a browser or from another
JT> application, I would like TB to ask me who the mail is from.  Is this
JT> possible or do you have any recommendations.

It is IIRC not possible setting TB! to ask what ID the mail should be
from, but as TB! never sends an e-mail generated this way
automatically but instead opens up an editor window you can freely
choose your identity there.

One method if menu 'Options' / 'Active account'.
The second one (at least resulting in the same action) is a right
mouse click on the status bar in that field showing the current
account name ... you should recognize it, have to be the 6th one,
directly to the right of a tiny icon (that btw indicates message
priority and maybe even receipt/reading confirmation status)

If you do this _before_ altering the message body in any way you'll
have the advantage of being able to shortly switch the focus between
message body & header fields and back and the macros written in your
templates (maybe default ones) are refreshed (default there is a
signature already given, using %FROM-macros).

Simply try it and you'll see the effect :-)

Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54 Beta/26 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

In the end there can be only one.

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