Hello Nick Andriash !

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:57:23 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was 23.01.2002, 20:57 (GMT+0100) where I live, you wrote:


> As you can see, the prefix was added by the GMX Servers. Your address is
> *.gmx.co.uk while mine is *.gmx.net so perhaps that's the difference if
> you don't see the same things I'm seeing. <shrug>

I just couldn't believe and tried it here with a gmx.de. So I did as
you said:

from a
from b
>From c

>From d

*****Received message****
from a
from b
>From c

>From d

Seems to work with the German Server!

Best regards,
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