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On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:22:38 +0200, Ron Secord [RS] wrote these
>> So, it should now read:

>> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)(^-----BEGIN\sPGP\sSIGNED.*?\n%-
>> (Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(-*?\s*?--\s*\n|%-
>> - -----BEGIN\sPGP\sSIGNATURE.*s?\n)%-

>> You can copy and paste this one as is since I inserted the ignore line
>> break macros.

RS> Thanks for the help, I do appreciate it. However,I copy & pasted but
RS> still no joy :( It will not print anything from the first dash line
RS> down. As stated in my original post, even if I delete the regex macro
RS> altogether, TB! still will not print anything below the dashed line. I
RS> can, however, print "regular" messages with no problems. This leads me
RS> to believe that it is something other than the macro...or am I missing
RS> something?

Rather something we both missed and that Peter picked up (see his
message mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Use the expression he provided and you should be OK.

OTOH, I'd take out the '_{40,}\s*\n' part as well since that will
match 40 or more dashes followed by a line break which would match the
line you mentioned.

Try this one if Peter's doesn't work:

- -+\s*eGroups.*~-~>.*-*_->)|z)"%REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%text"%SUBPATT="3"

- --
Allie C Martin    ---    (List Moderator and fellow end user)
PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=2B0717E2&Body=%20

ŪTB! v1.60c on Windows XP 5.1.2600


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