On Thu, 2 May 2002, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> On Thursday, May 2, 2002, 8:05 PM, you wrote:
> JA> .. I managed to solve a problem with TB!
> JA> closing itself when trying to compose messages, tracked it down to a
> JA> corrupt history when typing in addresses.  I'd like to know if there is a
> JA> solution to the vanishing emails.
> I had this happen to me more than once and never figured out QHY. SO
> how do you get rid of the history ????????
> / Paul

Technically I didn't... I Just stopped TB! from using the history/recent
items list when composing... As soon as I did that, it stopped closing
itself.  The odd thing was, it was resetting itself with all versions, so
I knew it must have been data files somehow.

Jonathan Angliss

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