Wow! You are *fast*!

Friday, May 3, 2002, 11:25:08 AM, you wrote:

JA> On Friday, May 03, 2002, Lynn Turriff wrote...

>> Hi all -

>> I have been migrating my old NT4 system to a new machine
>> with Win2000Pro SP2, and having some problems with TB I
>> can't figure out.

>> I installed TB v1.51 to the new Win2kPro system, and
>> imported my mailboxes. This seemed to go just fine, except
>> that on loading, I get a series of error messages:

>> Can not access directory I:\thebat
>> Can not access directory I:\thebat\mail
>> Can not access directory I:\thebat\mail\Lynn

>> and so on .. these refer to the locations the mailboxes
>> were imported from, not to the current locations.

JA> From an uneducated guess... that'd be your problem.  It'd appear TB!
JA> is trying to read the old files which may not be there any more.  So
JA> when it tries to fetch, it cannot drop the mail into folders it cannot
JA> see/write to.  Which might be what is causing the hang.


Seems likely ...

JA> I know this is not related, but we had a hell of a
JA> time trying to get Wingate to run right on Win2k, with
JA> VPN setup ;) I cannot see wingate, or Win2k being the
JA> cause of the problem... I'd probably put it down to
JA> bad paths.

So far it looks fine here .. we haven't had it up long,
but apart from my station, it all seems to be working
fine. Fingers crossed ...


>> Also, and this may or may not be related to the previous
>> issues, I can't get it to compress and/or compress and
>> purge the trash folder. It hangs (program not responding)
>> and sometimes returns an 'out of memory' error .. there's
>> 512 Meg of RAM on the system, and Windows is not managing
>> the virtual memory. I was thinking that the quick fix
>> for this might be to delete the folder and hope that the
>> program would regenerate it on the next start up, but will
>> that work?

JA> I am not sure on that one.  You may want to check the paths set in
JA> your program (and/or registry), and if they are incorrect, change them
JA> to the correct location.  As for the compress/purge not working...
JA> probably the same reason for the fetch hanging... (see my top theory).

The only path setting I could find in the preferences
folder was for attachments, but it was wrong and I changed
it. Will comb the options for more, and scope out the
registry. If you don't hear from me again, I got it fixed!

JA> Hope this gives you some kind of an idea.

Got me off the ground with places to look at least. Many
thanks ..


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