Hey Roberto,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60h) Personal
to write the following on Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 8:21:30 PM.

RB> I  began  using  The  Bat!  not  long ago, and I must say it's a
RB> pretty amazing program. The only problem I have is with the MAPI
RB> interface.

RB> I  have  a  Palm  V handheld, and I use the mail synchronization
RB> feature  in  HotSync.  It  seems  that the program is failing to
RB> 'say'  that a message isn't new, so it'll download every message
RB> in  my inbox time and time again, taking a long time to do that.
RB> I  had Eudora before going to The Bat!, and it worked perfectly.
RB> Anyone knows how to fix that?

Not sure I follow what the problem is.  I have a v505 and I expected
to get all messages in the Inbox on my Palm, and do.  Are you
expecting to only get the unread messages on the Palm?  Is there a
setting you changed to make it do that (I like keeping both Read and
Unread, but am curious).

MUA = TB! v1.60h (www.RitLabs.com/The_Bat)
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Do or Do not, There is no try - Master Yoda


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