On 5/14/02 at 2:14 AM Marck D Pearlstone wrote:
|@14 May 2002, 18:14:16 -0600 (01:14 UK time) Pete Milne wrote in
|> Seeing as I had to install Rar to unpack 1.60k, can someone in brief
|> tell me why Rar instead of WinZip?  Is Rar supposed to be a better
|> application?
|It creates a much smaller archive file which, over the many thousands
|of TB users who download upgrades, represents a huge saving in
|bandwidth for RITlabs.

I'd be interested in seeing some number to back up the assertion of a "huge saving".

The going rate is about US$3.00 per gigabyte of bandwidth per month.  How many 
gigabytes per month does the use of rar, instead of zip, save?  How does that compare 
to making customers pay US$39 for a copy of rar that they otherwise neither need nor 

Current Ver: 1.60k
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