Hello Geoff,

On Wed, 15 May 2002 22:24:53 +0100GMT (15-5-02, 23:24 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

GL> I may be missing something here because I haven't found a method of
GL> storing subgroups (that is, groups within groups). Can this be done?

No, that can't be done, but you can add the same entry to multiple
groups. And it's up to you of course whether you decide to add only
people from the group 'clients' to the group 'hardware-parts' or not.

And of course a supplier can also be a client, with one address book
you'd only have to add/alter entries only once. To take a example from
my own line of work: a farmer who delivers his milk to our cheese
plant can buy our cheese, cream and whey for whatever need he has.

Groetjes, Roelof

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