Hi Rich,

@8-Oct-2003, 14:00 -0400 (08-Oct 19:00 UK time) rich gregory [RG] in

... <snip>

RG> I have an address group with thousands of names in the format:
... <snip>
RG> ... But TB sees this format and only uses the FIRST name in the
RG> list for to send the email mssg to.

Erm - that's not an address book group. It's a single address book
entry with multiple *alternate* addresses. Not the same thing and TB
doesn't have many mechanisms to support this form of group

RG> Anybody have any thoughts on how I can best format

Each address should be a separate entry in the address book within a

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.00.22 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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