On Sunday, May 19, 2002, 5:28:11 PM, Csaba Kiss wrote:

CK> I am totally with you. I find this the most annoying feature (or bug)
CK> of TheBat.

    Does anyone know if there are some plans to allow different
    options for how the editor works in an upcoming version? To me
    this is a more serious flaw than any lack of HTML formatting.

    One of the arguments I hear a lot for The Bat is that it's
    strictly an e-mail client and meant to send e-mail as it was
    intended ( although I think even that is arguable even though I
    personally hate HTML e-mail.. another topic ). Sort of tongue in
    cheek, but doesn't an extra line space add to the size of an
    e-mail message? If anything it at least adds to the visible length
    of the message which will require more scrolling in longer

    I would think Bat users would be for an editor where you didn't
    have to have simple block type paragraphs separated by a line in
    order to communicate effectively. To me this is only a small
    inconvenience to pay for such a powerful e-mail client, but to
    many users who will try the Bat they will certainly be turned off.

    Maybe the editor has to be the way it is in order to adequately
    present a WYSIWYG format? If that is the case than I understand
    the reasoning behind the editor being like it is, since that is
    very important.

RR>>     There should be an easy way to compose a message the looks like a
RR>>     single spaced memo with paragraphs indented. I still haven't found
RR>>     a way to do this in The Bat! and am still confused why I can't do
RR>>     it. Can someone please help explain this. All I know is I have
RR>>     shown others the Bat and the simply can't get this editor. Before
RR>>     you start yelling "Well, that's there dumb ass fault," I ask "Is
RR>>     it really?" I still don't think it's that unreasonable for a user
RR>>     to be able to type up an e-mail message as if they were typing up
RR>>     a single spaced paper in a book with indented paragraphs that are
RR>>     easy to go back and edit.




"I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head and lays its eggs in
my brain, because later you might think you're having a good idea but
it's just eggs hatching."
  -Jack Handey

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