On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 at 21:49 GMT -0700 (25/06/2002 11:49 where you think
I live) "Nick Andriash"=[NA] wrote to TBUDL :

>> Vehemently disagree.  The world is not moving to unified messaging.
>> The world is moving back to a Unix-like concept of small, tight
>> applications doing very specific tasks --

> Not  that  I  am  in  favour of a TB Newsgroup, but I have to strongly
> disagree with your statement. The world is moving away from single use
> appliances  and  going  for  the  'unified' concept... but without the
> bloat... as the wary consumer will not stand for that anymore.

IMHO  both  of  you  are  correct (at least part of it) :-).
The  word  "bloat"  sometimes  hard  to implement, depending the program
design   though.   Some  s/w  using  monolithic  design (all in one) but
others  (said)  using modular, each having own benefit.

Modular  make any piece of s/w can be run in stand alone (and develop by
other  people)  or  call each others, as far as you don't care about the
GUI,  Modular  is the best choice (every developer having their taste of
GUI).  Monolithic  in  other  side  have  all  in  one  structure,  more
consistent in GUI or others (shortcut for instance).
Which one do you like ?

While  in  linux,  I can compile any features as many as I want (more or
less),  I can even adding any patch from anybody...I can do that because
most  of them are Open Source, I can change the code and recompile (even
sometimes make nice crash or running slow :-)))).

Maybe  plug-in is the answer for Windows world, but TB! must prepare the
Interface  for  other  program  (maybe something like SDK or API to call
other   application  and  back),  assume  TB!  using  "modular"  concept
otherwise Ritlabs must develop from scratch.

Best regards,

- Syafril -               mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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