Hi all,

With so much discussion about newsgroups lately, I though some of you
may be interested in a message I posted last April.


===8<==============Forwarded Message===============
From: Miguel A. Urech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2002, 6:25:39 PM
Subject: Newsgroups with The Bat! and MailTraq

Hello all,

As I have promised to some of you, and because I think it may be of
interest to many others, here it goes!

"How to set up MailTraq4Free (http://www.mailtraq.com) to manage
newsgroups from The Bat!"

Before starting, two notes:
       - The procedure explained below assumes you have just installed
       MailTraq. If you have been fiddling with it trying to configure
       it without success, it may be worth un-stalling and starting
       from scratch.
       - Because I have a network and my own mail server, my actual
       configuration may be a little different. But I have written the
       procedure below as I was actually configuring MailTraq in a
       stand alone machine.

Here we go. It is a long one:

Install MailTraq in your system and, as soon as installation is
complete, the "Getting Started Wizard" should automatically start. If
you have MailTraq already installed, you can start the "Getting
Started Wizard" from the Help menu, so do so now.

1.- Setting your Primary Domain Name

This is done in Server Properties, which you can get to by clicking
Server... in the Options menu

Enter your domain, if you have one, or your ISP's (the @domain.com of
one of your accounts)

2.- click on the LAN tab  to move to Step 2.

    If you are not in a network, enter 127.0.0.*
    If you are, your are probably using 192.168.0.* for the IP
    addresses or your machines.

3.- Skip step 3.

4.- Skip step 4 (select last option of the wizard)

5.- Create a new user as per step 5 of wizard. (File/Create new user)
    A new wizard starts:

        - Create a new user in MailTraq and click NEXT
        - Use your account (user name) (maybe a fake one?)
        - Yes, create a mailbox for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and NEXT
        - Do NOT enable forwarding. NEXT.
        - Do not include any aliases. NEXT.
        - Finish
6.- I am assuming direct connection by DSL, cable, etc. Can't test dial up myself.

        So, Finish to finish the wizard.
7.- Select Options/server Properties and Online tab
        Select Direct/permanent connection (in my case, you may have
        to configure Dial Up)
8.- Select Options/News
        Select the News Servers tab.
          Click Add and add your news server(s) of choice. For
          example, I use "News.CIS.DFN.DE".
          On the News Server Properties enter News.CIS.DFN.DE
                Select "Retrieve a full list of newsgroups" if not
                selected by default.
                And maybe set up every how many minutes you do want to
                collect news from this server.
          On the Connection Properties tab, enter your UserID and
          password if required by your server of choice. Most ISP's
          news servers don't, but News.CIS.DFN.DE does require a user
          and password.
          Click OK.

9.- Back on the News Properties dialog, select the News Collection tab
and select "News Collection Enabled".

10.- The NNTP client will probably start by itself in a few seconds to
collect the list of newsgroups in the server. If it doesn't, Select
Actions/Collect News.

11.- Once the NNTP Clients has finished (you can see this on MailTraq
Console if you have "Active Connections" selected on the left pannel),
select Options/Newsgroups:
        The News Groups Subscription dialog will open and, on the
        Groups on server tab you will see the complete tree (list) of
        newsgroups available on your server.
        - Select one from the list, or use the Search for window to
        for one you know about and click Find. Once the name of your
        desired groups is displayed below, (I suggest that for the
        first time, until your get everything working, you select a
        NOT TOO ACTIVE newsgroup from the ones you are familiar with.)
         When the desired group is displayed in the Found window,
         click Go To and it will be highlighted in the tree below.
         Click and the newsgroup and the Subscribe button on the right
         will be activated.
         Click on Subscribe and then on the Properties button below to
         open the group Properties.
           The Properties tab should be filled in by default.
           Select the Download tab and (for the first trial) select
           Override Default Properties.
              Select (tick) Ignore Articles older than ... a few days.
              30, the default, may be too much.
              You may also want to set now the number of days the
              articles will be kept at your "local news server"
              (MailTraq). I have mine set to 2 days.
              A NOTE of caution here. the "Only download up to" XX
              "most recent articles per session" does not mean it
              will download the last XX articles. As far as I have
              seen, our of the articles that may be available NOT
              "older than NN days", it will download at most XX per
              session (or connection).
         And now, TWO VERY INPORTANT steps.
         Select the Mail gateway tab. Select (tick) Enable News to
         Mail gateway.
         Click on Add to enter the mailbox (or remote e-mail address)
         where you want news (as e-mail) delivered to.
         A new Properties dialog opens. In "E-Mail to post to" enter
         the user mailbox where you want news (e-mail) delivered).
         This should be [EMAIL PROTECTED], the one created in Step 5 of
         the "Getting Started Wizard" above.

         DO NOT change the value suggested in "To: field for
         messages", which should be of the form
         "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". This is the e-mail address you will
         have to send e-mail (new posts or replies) from TB!.
         Click OK.

         Select the News Gateway tab, and select (tick) Enable Mail to
         News Gateway. Click OK, and then Done on News Group
         Subscription dialog.
         We are almost done ;-)

You can now wait until MailTraq connects to your news server to
download messages (remember the time set in step 8) or, if you do not
want to wait, from the Console menu select Actions/Collect News.

If you have Active Connections selected on the left pane, you will see
the activity on the right one.

Once the connection and message download is finished, you will be able
to see the downloaded messages in two different places:

        1.- On the left pane of MailTraq's console, click and expand
        News, Subscriptions, Your news server, your newsgroup. The
        downloaded messages should be displayed on the right pane.
        2.- Click and expand Mail, Mailboxes, your User mailbox.
        Downloaded messages should also be there, already converted to
        e-mail, and waiting for you to collect them with TB!.
You are done with MailTraq, now let's go to TB!

I suggest that, at least until you are more familiar with the whole
thing, you do create a new account in TB! just to manage newsgroups.

a.- Create a new account.

        For e-mail address, use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", the one defined in
        step 5 of the initial wizard.
        Both for SMTP and POP servers enter the name of your system
        (PC) if you have one, or "localhost" or just (I've
        used this last option). Click Next.
        On the next step, the Users should be pre-filled with the
        correct value. So, enter your password.
        And that is it. Select other account properties according to
        your preferences.
b.- Collect your "news" for the first time.

        Select the new account on the account tree and Collect New Mail (or F2).
        Your news should now be in your Inbox. Correct?

Now you can create a folder for this news group (and others you may
want to join), set up filters to automatically send messages to the
appropriate folder and create templates for each group.

So, how do you post (send messages) to a news group?. You have to send
an e-mail message form this account to the "To: field for messages"
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) defined when we were setting up the News to
Mail gateway, and which appears is the To: field of the messages you
have just received in your Inbox.

What I have done when setting up the templates for each news group
folder is to use:

        %TO="" %TO="%OTOADDR" macros for the replies, and
        %TO="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for new messages.
And that should do it, or at least I think so. Feel free to ask if you
don't understand something or you have any problems, and I will do my

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

Current Ver: 1.60c
FAQ        : http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

===8<===========End of Forwarded Message===========

Current Ver: 1.60q
FAQ        : http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/

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