Hello Giampaolo,

Sorry for my late reply.

> Now i can receive newsgroup in the Bat, but I have some problems
> trying to post a message.

OK, you have achieved 50% :-)

> The bat says the message sent, but I don't see my message on the
> newsgroup. And I don't see my message in the Outgoing mail or
> Outgoing news folders in Mailtraq console. Why?

I don't know. Let's review the rest of things you say.

> In "Option", "Server" properties, the Domain Name is "windowsxp", and
> Local IP Address in the Lan tab is:
>            127.0.0.*
>            windowsxp

As far as I know, the domain name should be a valid domain name. See
what step 1 of my setup procedure says:

,----- [  ]
| 1.- Setting your Primary Domain Name
| This is done in Server Properties, which you can get to by clicking
| Server... in the Options menu
| Enter your domain, if you have one, or your ISP's (the @domain.com of
| one of your accounts)

> In "Option", "Outgoing mail" I've checked "Deliver all mail to these
> Smart Hosts" leaving blank the Primary Mail Server and the Backup Mail
> Server fields. In the "SMTP Settings" tag, "Use Local Domain Name"
> (windowsxp).

HHmmm, now that is strange. I don't have a "Deliver all mail to these
Smart Hosts" in my Options/Outgoing mail. Is your MaiTraq4free version (Mon Jan 7, 2002)?.

My own set up may also be a bit different because I'm using MailTraq
installed in a server and not in my local machine (Installed it
locally when I wrote the setup procedure). Anyway, if you are using
MailTraq just as a news router, you should not be sending any outgoing
mail, just news.

Anyway, try changing your domain to a valid one and see what
difference that makes. I'll keep looking here when I have time

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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