Hi Roelof,
On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 00:30:53 +0200, you wrote:

> Hallo Jonathan,
> On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 09:29:33 -0500GMT (30-6-02, 16:29 +0200GMT, where
> I live), you wrote:
> JA> You can use delivery, and receipt confirmation, but only delivery
> JA> is actually respoonded too all the time. Receipt confirmation can
> JA> be skipped by the user.
> Only bad configured mailservers respond to delivery confirmation
> requests and clients should not respond to them without a user
> confirmation.

Why would you say a badly configured server?  Surely a delivery confirmation
should come from the server to say it has been delivered?  Otherwise it'd not be
called that.

As for the reading confirmation, that is a user option, and in most mail
clients, asks if the end user wants to send one.

Jonathan Angliss

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