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Hi Michael,

@06 July 2002, 19:00 -0400 (00:00 UK time)  Michael David [MD] in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Tim Musson:

MD> I didn't realize there was a newer version. Perhaps my problem is
MD> related to the version I am running?

It could well be.

MD> I really want to figure out what caused this. If it's just a
MD> random loss of email, I don't see how I can risk continuing with

There is no known issues with random loss of email. Whenever email has
been lost, it has proven to be either a user error or a system (OS)
error. If it ever proves to be a TB bug, it is fixed at once. Sure,
some bugs don't get fixed, but stability issues and data integrity
issues are always resolved in my experience (which in TB terms is now
over four years).

MD> Perhaps someone from Rit Labs could chime in here? Any theories
MD> what caused this?

I know that RITlabs have no theories and won't chime in. How do I

1) There is no similar issue open on the BugTraq
2) If there were any such issue in the current release, it would be
   fixed PDQ.
3) I think it may be related to the resource leakage issues that
   abounded pre release Q.

It sounds like an index corruption to me and that if it were ever to
happen again, the quick recourse would be to turn off all folder
compression for the affected folder, exit TB, delete the .tbi file and
restart. The tbi file would be automatically re-created and any lost
messages will miraculously reappear.

If the messages were truly "lost" then the only other theory is that
they were lost during a "Compress" operation. That could be due to
system crash or OS error. If it were that, you'd know all about it

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
SB! v1.60q/Post3 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.1.90-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current Ver: 1.60q
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