Hello Nick,

On Friday, July 26, 2002 at 10:19 AM, something compelled Nick
Andriash to type:

> But I'm using TB 1.62 Beta 1 which should be able to handle
> recursive templates, should it not?

Yes, but they have to be formed correctly otherwise you get infinite
loops.  See below.

> Here is my QT2 with a handle of wrap2:

> %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is-m)^(.*)\n$"%-
> %-%QINCLUDE=#wrap2#"

You're missing the vital %IF part.  Without the %IF, TB will keep
spawning the wrap2 macro forever.  What you've quoted is not the wrap2
template, it is a replacement for the wq template.  The wrap2 template
you need can be found in:

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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