Hello Sudip,

SP> Things are not that self-explanatory. You still have to change your
SP> TB! settings to route the incoming mails through NAV's POPROXY module.

   I never once had to do that. I only turned on email scanning in NAV
   and it worked. Never had to do anything to TB. (I'm referring to
   NAV 2001 and prior.) 2002 is even simpler than that. Love it. :)

SP> Why does it get annoying? If you mean the dialog box that pop's up on
SP> outbound mail scanning, there's an option, in later builds, to turn it
SP> off.

   Yep, that's what I was suggesting he do. Scanning outbound mail is,
   to me, redundant, assuming NAV is doing its job in the first place,
   and that stupid splash/banner (which cannot be turned off if the
   outbound scanning is on) drives me crazy (I get/send a lot of

Best regards,
    Kurgan                    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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