On Sunday, July 28, 2002, 6:25:09 PM, Rick Reumann wrote:

>     Yes, I do now remember that message, but shouldn't there be a way
>     to still not have that beep come up? I was hoping to not have to
>     uncheck to have that mail checked while they are doing there
>     service (then I have to remember later to turn the checking back
>     on). I wouldn't even mind a dialog box within the Bat saying that
>     it couldn't connect to a server, since I understand (and would
>     want) some notification if it wasn't connecting. When I'm not in
>     the Bat though I hate having to deal with the beep that comes up.
>     Occasionally servers have some temporary difficulties and it's
>     sort of a pain to have to go and set it to not check while a
>     temporary problem is occurring.

This subject has come up before, and I have the same problem from time
to time.  The problem seems to be that TB has a fairly short timeout
of 30 seconds, which is not adjustable.  My ISP struggles to respond
within this timeout at peak times, so I got a lot of bleeps.

As the the solution, there is not one at present, other than turning
off the Windows sound for Exclamation.  The longer term ones will
hopefully appear in TB 2.0: either an adjustable timeout; or the
ability to turn off the sound.  You could always post a wish at


  Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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