Good evening Dwight,
It was foretold that on 10-8-2002 @ 16:17:41 GMT-0500 (which was
23:17:41 where I live) Dwight A Corrin wrote and spread these wise
comments on "The Bat! Macro and Solutions Library":
<snipped a bit>
DAC> I'm guessing he means it's too long, it's redundant, and causes one to
DAC> not read it at all. Why does it need to have the subject when the
DAC> subject line is right there.
Well, i got that from the posts on this list when i joined. Since
nobody had taken offence to those and neither (untill today) to my
using it, i thought it was no big deal.

DAC> ? Do you change the header when you are replying because someone said
DAC> something really stupid?
Most of the time i don't reply to stupid things ;-)

Best regards,
 Luc                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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