Hello Nick,

in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] was written:

ND> How can you edit keyboard shortcuts?  Every time I try I get a "you
ND> have errors" message and can't save the changes.

What does the button 'Conflicts' reveal?

ND> Shoot, just opening the editor and trying to close it with the default
ND> shortcuts gives me the error message.

Sure this are really 'default shortcuts'?
Close TB!, rename 'ShortCut.CFG' in '..\The Bat!\Mail\' (or appropriate if
you changed the default account location), start The Bat! and try again.
This time you _will_ have 'default shortcuts', and it should not give your
the error, in worst case 2-3 'Warnings' (which you can ignore in this case).
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

Ronald Wilson Reagan is an anagram for Insane Anglo Warlord.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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