On Friday, September 27, 2002, 1:34:04 PM, Tim wrote:

> My particular situation is that I normally work on my own computer,
> but recently I've had to use my mother's computer. I've kept mailbases
> in synch with Backup and Restore, but last week my mother's computer
> had a major problem, and as a result I have important emails in each
> mailbase but not on the server. I see Synchronise as the solution, but
> if anyone has a better answer, I'm interested.

I use synchronisation regularly between my desk-based machine and my
laptop.  There are two things to note.

1.  Synchronisation is *one-way* so if you have messages on each
computer, you will need to run synchronisation *twice* with each computer
as the target in turn.

2.  Synchronisation does not delete anything - so it is ideal for
situations like yours, because the worse you can end up with is
duplicates, which are easy to get rid of.


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