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On Saturday, October 26, 2002, Vishal Nakra wrote...

> When I subscribe to TBUDL using the digest mode, the message shows
> up in the preview pane as a group of single messages, not as one
> combined message like digests usually do. To view the messages I had
> to click on one of them, which opened up a separate window showing
> the individual messages (like a normal folder). I have to switch
> between individual messages manually then, which is an inconvenience
> I could do without. Could someone tell me if there is a better way
> to read a digest as ONE message?

> I appreciate TB's power, but having to do special workarounds for
> *every* little thing, such as reading a digest message properly, is
> getting on my nerves.

Actually this isn't TBs problem at all, and is in fact not a problem
with the list either. It is just the method the list server uses to
send out the digest. It uses what is known as a MIME digest in which
each email is attached to a single email and mailed out. This means
that you get one email with attachments. I am not sure, you might need
to go to the list user page (see list footer right at the bottom of
this email for details) you may be able to turn MIME digest off, but
not entirely sure.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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