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Hi Anne,

@31-Oct-2002, 23:31 Anne [A] in
mid:3823886878.20021031233111@;gmx.co.uk said:

>>> We have been receiving blank e-mails from your account (no
>>> message body seemingly present) on arrival.

A> The above is an extract from a tech support person in reply to my
A> inquiry as to why no-one has answered any of my 10 e-mails to
A> them in Sept and Oct.  As all of these were sent via TB! using
A> plain text format, I wonder if anyone may know of *anything*
A> which may have caused this to happen?  (My personal opinion is
A> that they are trying to pull a fast one here - but I'd be
A> interested to know your views.)

Oh, they're pulling a fast one alright <g>. Or they're using some
kind of system that only shows HTML messages :-/.

This kind of thing can happen when the blank line between headers
and body goes AWOL en-route.

It could be that they are using a mail reader that wants two blank
lines after the headers. Why not try to MIME forward (Alternative
forward) all the messages you sent them to date. That way they'll
have all of the messages as attachments. That should do it :-)

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


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