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On Friday, November 22, 2002, Thomas Fernandez wrote...

>> After reading peoples comments on MailWasher, I decided to give it
>> a go. I know you can do lots of the stuff using the Mail
>> Dispatcher, but just wanted to try mailwasher myself and to try it
>> out for a friend with a Hotmail account. On that note, quick
>> question, I can't remember if TB! support Hotmail accounts?

> TB doesn't exclude specific ISPs or domains - it is an equal
> opportunity MUA. However, Hotmail doesn't support the POP3 protocol
> as per RFC, so that's why you cannot use TB with Hotmail.

Yes it does. You just have to pay a small fee to use such a service.
Or at least it did last time I looked, although I use other nifty toys
to get access to it indirectly.

> There used to be a program the name of which I have forgotten (never
> used non-compliant email providers), which enables you to use your
> Hotmail account with TB.

There is quite a few floating about... and there was a discussion on a
load of them a while ago. Might want to try searching the archives for
hotmail and the bat.

>> Oh yeah, anther quick question, how come the red underline is
>> sometimes of a different style?

> The red underline?

Bad spelling?

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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