Hello Daniel Hirning,
On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:07:42 +1100 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, November 23, 2002, 8:07:42 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Daniel Hirning wrote:

> HA!  how funny - of course something so 'stupid' has never happened to
> me ;-)

Happened to me and quite a few of my customers.
you would be surprised how often a password is entered and they forget
it. or Mistyped!!!.

> Give  Snadboy’s  Revelation  a  go,  it can (sometimes) reveal what is
> under the * in a text box.

As far as I know it works with the bat...
I use windows XP Pro Sr1.

> I  haven't  tried it with TB, or used it for a few years, but it saved
> my  butt  a  few  times a couple of years ago... Give it a go, hope it
> helps.


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.60q 

C.C.S. Associates
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

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