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On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, Peter Evans wrote...

> Jonathan,
> Thanks for those tips.
> I have been trying various things.

I have a silly question I should have asked the first time.  Is this a
single POP3/IMAP account these mails are being sent to?  Or do you
have two accounts?

> I changed the Rule of BusinessA to
>   strings = @BusinessA.com
>   location = Recipient
>   Presence = Yes

> Similarly for BusinessB.

> I then sent 2 test messages - 1 to BusinessA, 1 to BusinessB.

Did you send two independent emails, or one email, and the two
addresses in the To/CC fields?

> However if I am on BusinessB (that is it is selected) when I try and
> download I get the 2 messages to BusinessB and none to BusinessA.
> Another test when I am on BusinessA I get the 2 messages to BusinesA
> and none to BusinessB.

I'm slight confused on your setup.  Do you have two accounts?  Or one
account, and two aliases?  Are you trying to download from the same
account, but with two different accounts in TheBat?

> Any ideas?

Sure, if I can find out your setup, we may have some slight confusion
on the settings of the filters, and we might be looking at the wrong
kind of theory. Of course, I could be mistaken, but I thought
"Recipient" was the To/CC fields, but it 'could' be possible that it
reads the headers and works out the 'delivered to' account, and you
might be catching that.

Just as a small point, you removed all my reply to you, which meant I
had to go find my reply to work out what you were saying thanks to ;)
Please try including a quote of the original mail, even if it is
trimmed down to the parts that are only relevant to your reply. Also
steer _far_ away from top posting (where all the quoted mail is at the
bottom, and your reply is up the top). Outlook forces that kind of
behavior, which is rather poor in my opinion (and many others on this
list), as it doesn't follow simple logic of conversation (ie, you
don't get the answer to a question before you asked the question).

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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