Hello Tim,

Friday, January 24, 2003, 9:31:43 AM, you wrote:

> If you want to send some sort of message back to the spammer saying
> that "this is not a valid address, please stop", I suggest thinking
> that one over. A reply to a spammer can verify that your address is
> one that is not only valid, but active also!

Actually MailWasher tries to use the mailserver's PostMaster's e-mail
address to relay the message back. But, if your ISP's mailserver
doesn't allows relays, then that won't work. I was able to use the
bounce feature of MailWasher before my ISP strengthened the security
of their servers. Now, I only use MailWasher's spam filtering(by using
black lists and user defined filters) to help in deleting unwanted
e-mails directly on the server before downloading them.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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