Hello Miguel,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 19:18:20 [GMT +0100] (which was 1:18:20
PM in NY, USA) Miguel A. Urech wrote:
>> Not easy enough for those who have to do it often.

> It should be fairly easy to do with PowerPro. I'll try it later or
> during the weekend.

Allie was kind enough to write a filter for my needs and he gave
me some side tips as well how to incorporate PowerPro into the
mix. This was some time ago.  But I'll dig up a link to the
original in the archives if I get the chance.

I didn't want to get too specific as my needs for editing
incoming messages likely differ from others'.  But here goes
just so you understand why I'd edit a message at all.

I receive many messages per month dealing with content I have to
further process.  As I do process this content, I like to edit
the subject line (numbering and date of completion) for
organizational purposes.  Occasionally, I also have to refer to
the originals. I can do this quickly after organizing the
original messages sequentially and by date.

The way I accomplish this admittedly small yet important task is
to drag the original into the Outbox, double-click it, edit the
subject note the original date of receipt, save it, and finally
drag it back into its proper folder. It's not a particular
difficult process and works fine.  But it is a nuisance when
dealing with multiples.

Other than that, on occasion, I may take a personal message and
rename the subject in the same manner. In fact, I have done this
with the TB lists before to save a copy of someone's RegEx
template idea for later reference.  Of course I'd leave the
original intact within one of the TB folders here in case I
needed to reply or quote it some time in the future.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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