Hi Roelof,

understood and thanks for both replies. I will resend my message from

I just tried sending messages from this account via Outlook Express.
Works OK there, so it must be something in The Bat! that's

Bests, Duncan

> Hallo Duncan,

> On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 13:28:40 +0100GMT (4-3-03, 13:28 +0100, where I
> live), you wrote:

D>>  I wonder if someone could be so kind as to help me out here?

> What I forgot in my previous message:

> You started your question as an answer to another thread. That's
> not the best thing to do for the following reason.

> The Bat is able to thread messages properly, in order to see what I
> mean, just select the folder where you're storing the messages from
> this list. Go to the menu: view - view threads by - references. Now
> you'll see that all messages are lined up after the message to which
> they're first, second (or whatever) level replies to.

> You started what's essentially a new thread by replying to another
> message. That means it shows up as listed in another thread. Since
> people sometimes skip messages in threads they don't consider
> interesting (for lack of time). They might skip your message too,
> since they're not aware of the newly started thread. So next time
> you'd do yourself a favor by sending a new message in stead of a
> reply, because you're reaching a larger audience and one of those
> might have the answer you've been waiting for.

> This is not not meant to criticize you, but only to help you
> appreciate the options TB offers and to be able to get more effect out
> of your efforts.

Kind regards,
Duncan                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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