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Hi Joseph,

On Monday, September 1, 2003 at 19:42 GMT -0500, Joseph N. [JN] wrote

JN> ... It looks as though someone who had my e-mail address in their
JN> WAB (or wherever Sobig looks for addresses) was infected with the
JN> worm.

If its any consolation, I don't think you're alone.

JN> I thought the flurry  would die down ...

It has a little and probably will taper once those infected realize it
and do something about it. Unfortunately, that could take weeks and by
then Sobig.g or something similar will be unleashed.

JN> My main concerns are (1) minimizing the risk that someone will
JN> blacklist my address, and (2) minimizing the risk that this could
JN> happen again. I think that there is nothing I can do to achieve
JN> either objective; is that correct?

I've had the same concerns but I think because so many people were
affected, blacklisting seems unlikely. I think most isp people
understand that the mails are probably not from the source they appear
to be. Had it been a smaller outbreak, the blacklisting threat would
probably be possible.

JN> I assume this must be a fairly common problem, but there just
JN> doesn't seem to be anything I can do while my address is attached
JN> to all these infected e-mails....

I don't think there is much anyone can do. I suppose one could change
their email address, but that would only be temporary until the next
version comes out.

I don't know what else can be done other than trying to educate those
who are oblivious to security. People like to blame MSoft, but many of
those I talk to who are infected are the same people I talked to who
were infected by something else in the past. They haven't changed
their clicking habits, virus signature update frequency, or system
security. The unfortunate part is that we all suffer.

My oldest mail account with bigfoot.com has been rendered useless. It
has a forwarding quota which has been exceeded daily for a couple of
weeks with all the sobig related mails. Fortunately I migrated
everything to a new address several months ago.

I feel sorry for those on a dialup connection as downloading the
garbage mail must be really annoying, time consuming and costly.

Who knows where all of this will lead. I'm not encouraged. :( Perhaps
this would be a good topic for the TBOT list. I'd be interested to
hear any suggestions.

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA
X-Request-PGP: http://www.kcoates.com/0x434798B9.htm

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