Hi Alexander,

@7-Sep-2003, 10:27 +0200 (09:27 UK time) Alexander [N] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Thomas:

M>>> What will be the The Bat v2 Upgrade price after 10/31/2003?

>> Full price instead of 50% discount?

N> Its a "buy or die" update policy. Wonderful customer service,
N> isn't it!

Superb. This is a company that has continually enhanced and upgraded
a product to extreme levels without charging existing users a penny
for five years! I just hope this cashing in on the user base to fund
further development enables them to continue giving us the same
level of service for the next five years.

I think they're very generous to give any kind of upgrade discount
at all, considering the amount of time many of us have been using
the software without paying extra for improvements.

It may seem a bit rough on newer users, but it's not a major problem
IMHO. The price could hardly be said to be "extortionate". Sure,
there's "a matter of principal" involved, but I've seen many an own
nose slashed mercilessly from too many faces over "matters of
principal" and much prefer the path of consideration of circumstance

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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