Hello Pixie,

Monday, September 8, 2003, 10:28:20 PM, you wrote:

P> I've run the dupe killer many times and it has always left the read
P> copy if there is one. AFAIK it only uses the MSG-ID to determine if
P> dupes are present, and doesn't span folders.  So the same message in
P> two different folders is not found.  I think this also is the case
P> with nested folders.

Ok then. A little confusion.

I copied some adjacent threads from this one to a new folder. I copied
ALL, and then set to Unread. Copied all to another, and then set all
to Read. Then I copied all contents of both to a new folder.

For these threads, after using Kill Dupes, I got:
'Cosmetic Bug...' 3 of 6 total left unread.
'Received registration...' 2 of 3 left Unread.
'Max number of stored...' 4 of 6 left unread.

Since I had marked all these threads as Read, the Read messages should
be the only ones that remain. Try a similar experiment?

Best regards,

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