Hello Allie & other TB! list members following this thread,

On Monday, September 22, 2003 Allie wrote the following post:

DH>> I use it to avoid viruses as well as a trigger for following up
DH>> on important mail. I don't want to be checking my high number
DH>> of mailbox directories and don't use the ticker for the same
DH>> reason: The fact is, most of my mail is never read.

AM> You seem to spend a lot of time screening mail

Not at all. I've gotten quite good at spotting both things I want
and things I don't, in a flash.

AM> that you won't read.

Whether I read it or not depends on what I see on the Mail
Dispatcher. That saves me a lot of time.

AM> Of course, if you get accustomed to doing this, it seems just
AM> fine and I guess this is where our opinions differ.

I think we both can live with that. Generally though, I do put a lot
of stock in what you post. You're very consistent but in this case,
other valid mind sets also exists.

AM> With some filtering here, all important mail is filtered out
AM> either directly or indirectly. Not much of my mail comes from
AM> unknown sources. These are filtered to a particular folder.

I'd rather make my decisions on the fly (I find it more flexible),
be aware of what's coming in before it gets distributed and kill
spam and viruses on the server.

AM> Spam goes to another folder and is viewed only occasionally.
AM> Viruses to another folder with the use of NOD32 and very
AM> occasionally looked in.

You are obviously a very organized and orderly person. Perhaps your
profession makes you more protocol oriented though.

AM> I just find it perplexing that you consider using the dispatcher
AM> to look over all your mail is efficient.

I can assure you that my way of working with email is in no way
motived by a desire to perplex you.

You use the ticker, I use the mail dispatcher. Live and let live.

AM> Just the act of repeatedly interacting with the dispatcher, no
AM> matter the duration is distracting and intrusive.

I actually enjoy it. And I download almost all my mail manually,

AM> If I thought it entirely subjective, I'd let the issue rest and
AM> say it's just a matter of taste.

AM> On a busy day, I'll entertain only those messages which are
AM> filtered to particular folders. I get a special sound
AM> notification for those. I safely ignore the rest. No scanning.

You are depending on the notification system you constructed, I am
looking at what's coming in as it's happening, which provides more
specific information.

AM> No updating of spam filters.

Actually, I rarely have to do that anymore and when I do, I just
leave the Spam.txt file open on the desktop for a while.

AM> <shrug> :) So if there's no important mail, I just keep working.
AM> Never checking the dispatcher to screen mail. It's all done
AM> automatically.

I understand that. It's OK, Allie.

M>>>> As I upgraded to ADSL now, I'd like to see what exactly is not
M>>>> downloaded, so I want to change my selective download filter
M>>>> into a "normal" filter that puts the stuff in a certain
M>>>> folder.

DH>> Including viruses?

AM> Why fear downloading viruses with TB!? If you were using Outlook
AM> I'd understand but with an application like TB!, this isn't
AM> really that great a concern. You could even use a plug-in that
AM> deletes infected messages or quarantines them if that made you
AM> more comfortable.

I have that. But it makes me give more time and attention to
following up on that. I don't want them on my computer, although we
have a mutual friend that collects them.

M>>>> Is there a way to use the signal file, containing all the
M>>>> known malicious mailers/domains, in a regular filter?

DH>> Aside from the selective download Spam and virus txt file, my
DH>> signal file is upgraded continuously and stored in my brain.

AM> Continuous maintenance ... work.

I eat rather well and my brain is updated automatically.

AM> Manually scanning all incoming mail with the dispatcher ... more
AM> work.

That way when I open a folder, I already know what I'm looking for.
Unless there's something there I know want to see, the folders stay

Different strokes by different folks.


Hasta la vista, Allie.


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