I hope you all will forgive me for using Opera's mailer. Special apologies to Marck. ;-)
Using registered TB! 2.00.6
This morning I opened TB! and found that my "the_bat.exe" and many other files in my TB! directories have been changed to numbered files. E.g., "17240." Note the "." is part of the filename and not the extension delimiter.
I have a bunch of older versions of "the_bat.exe" in a subdirectory and they were all renamed in a similar fashion.
A couple of my accounts survived with correct filenames and messages bases intact but most of my accounts have been changed.
I renamed my changed 2.00.6 executable to "the_bat.exe" just to see what would happen and upon running it, new account icons appeared in place of the old "@". This is the first I've seen of these even though I've been running v2.00.6 for a couple of weeks.
If this has been previously addressed, my apologies. My TBUDL files are gone missing and I've had problems with my web connections today.
Any help in repairing and recovering greatly appreciated.
-- Regards,

________________________________________________ Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

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