Hello Pixie!

On Sunday, October 05, 2003, 11:27 AM, you wrote:

A>>> The text size and font in the header fields can be changed by
A>>> going to Options/Preferences/System and going to the section
A>>> 'Fonts'. You'll see that you can change the Folder pane font and
A>>> size as well.

MB>> Thanks, Allie. I've done that, and it's an immense help. Pixie
MB>> was having difficulty making it work in Win95, if I understood
MB>> correctly.

P> Actually it all boils down to the color. Easier to picture what I
P> am talking about by trying to make TB! show white text on black
P> backgrounds anywhere beyond the built-in ability to re-color the
P> message view and edit areas.

This is what I understood you to be saying.

P> The problem of TB! adopting as much as it does from the windows
P> 'appearance' settings is that TB! also adopts the limitations of
P> windows ability to customize colors.


P> Even at the closest I could get trying to make TB! white on black,
P> windows looked awful in those areas where black on white is
P> preferred (among other windows areas) and TB! still look bad in a
P> few critical areas.

I understand.

A>>> For the message list go to Messages/Colour Groups and Fonts, also
A>>> in the preferences. At the bottom of that section is 'Font' with
A>>> a 'Change' button.

MB>> Yes, I did that. Thanks for putting it so clearly here.

P> Clearly put but doesn't make the text look

Yes, for you, I know it's true.

A>>> I agree that the address book list fonts should be made
A>>> configurable.

MB>> I may put just that on the Wish List, then.

P> I suggest trying to re-color TB! white text on black before
P> limiting the wish to simply the AB. TB! falls short in much more
P> than AB display configuration options. Or more simply, try making
P> the account panel white on black..

This is not my preference--I prefer a light background with a dark,
contrasting text, in addition to relatively large font sizes

But I have just been to the various settings menus, and XP is able to
do this according to your preferences, except in the AB and in a few
other dialogue boxes, where my own difficulty is not with colors but
with font size.

P> According to MAU W2K help show the TB! color limitations, maybe XP
P> also then?

XP has been hard for me to learn, and its arbitrary folder
organization paths and complex Search function would not have been my
choice. I was in Win95 before my monitor died and I realized that my
hard drive was also way too small for my needs and got this new
computer. I was really comfortable in Win95, and just sort of making
do with TB! v. 161, putting up with its lack of legibility on my
screen for the sake of the safety features.

Now that I know what can be done, I want it all!

And I want that for you, too. I don't think you should have to change
your operating system just so you can control the color display in The

I put my Wish for better control of the Address Book on Bugtraq this
morning. Bugtraq would not give me a window to express it as a wish,
even though I clicked the "Switch" button. So I wrote it up as a Bug,
which in a way, it is.

And so is this color-control glitch of yours!

Why don't you go to this address:


and put your needs in as either a Wish or a Bug?

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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