Hello Melissa,

On 1 Dec 2003 at 18:01:40 -0800 GMT [03:01 CET] you wrote:

MR> Hi Andre,

MR> On Sunday, November 30, 2003, at 4:35:48 AM PST, you wrote:

>> When I then look at the source of the created mail there are again
>> questionmarks in the headers while the body is ok.

MR> I'm not sure, but could the answer be found in "Account
MR> Properties/Options..." ?

MR> [ ] Allow 8-bit characters in message header

No. That option just tells the bat! wether to encode 8bit characters. I
want it to encode them so I've turned that off. But thanks for trying.
In the mean time I solved my problem :) (why is it that as soon as you
ask for help you find the solution yourself?)

Under 'Regional and Language Settings' I set the options to extend
support for advanced text services to all programs and to use russian
for non-unicode programs. Well, I don't know which which of these did it
but I can now use cyrillic with the bat without problems. If it is in
the headers it's even correctly encoded.


"The meeting of two personalities
 is like the contact of two chemical substances:
 if there is any reaction, both are transformed."  

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