
On 12-12-2003 18:15, you [KS] wrote in
PF>> On 11-12-2003 23:29, you [KS] wrote in
KS>>> Is there a way in The Bat! to change the font size of the Column
KS>>> headings?

PF>> Please rephrase - I don't understand what you mean.

KS> Font Size - The width and height of the ASCII characters

With you this far.

KS> Column Headings - The ASCII characters above the lists of folders, and
KS> above the lists of messages that describe the information underneath.
KS> Some of the Column Headings are "Name", "Unread", "Total", "Subject",
KS> "From", "Size".

OK, if I understand you correct, you can achieve what you want by
messing around two places:

Options>Preferences>System>Fonts, and...

Options>Preferences>View Modes - where you change the column widths for
a particular View Mode (you may need to make a new) and assign it to the
folder (or all folders) where you want to use it.

Is this what you're after?

KS> Of course, the one statement you copied is not all the details of my
KS> question.

Of course not - I only quoted the immediate context.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.02.3 CE </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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