Hello Michael & other TB! list members following this thread,

On Sunday, December 14, 2003, you wrote:

MSG> I'm using TB 2.02.3 on a computer running Windows XP.

I'm using TB! 1.62r and running WinXPPro.

MSG> For some reason, my mouse scroll wheel doesn't work in TB. It's fine
MSG> in all my other programs, but not in TB.  I'm using a Logitech
MSG> MouseMan Wheel connected to a USB port and I'm using Logitech's
MSG> mouseware software to configure the mouse (can't seem to locate the
MSG> version number).

Logitech's trackball is the best cursor solution there is, IMO.

MSG> Anyone else have this problem?

MSG> Any suggestions how I can get the wheel to work?

Yes. Download, install and configure KatMouse for TB. It's freeware
and will give you scrolling in any app., even old win apps.

KatMouse - mouse wheel utility for Windows

Douglas Hinds

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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