Hello Adam,

<snipped quite a bit>
> The Sent folder has Two date fields: Saved, and Created. This Created
> field should be listing the date and time when messages are sent. As
> it stands, these fields are redundant meaning-wise. And they have the
> same contents. A Saved date would make more sense for a text editor. A
> Mailer should preserve the time mail was mailed. :-)

Do you consider Outlook Express a Mailer? If so, please note that:

- A message composed (created) at 20:02:28 and placed in Outbox to be
sent later, shows a 'Sent' time of 20:02. It is obviously the Created
time because the message hasn't been sent yet, it is still in Outbox.

- I Sent the message to another of my accounts at 20:05:17, and this is
reflected in the first Received header line generated by my server:

,----- [  ]
| Received: from maria ( by puli.ermapper-spain.com (Mercury/32 v4.01a) 
| ESMTP ID MG00176E;
|    28 Dec 2003 20:05:17 +0100
| From: "MAU"
| Subject: test send
| Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 20:02:28 +0100

But the Date, as you can see, still shows 20:02:28. When the message is
received by TB in my other account, it shows a Received time of 20:06
and a Created time of 20:02, which is correct. It is is the time when
the message was _created_, not Sent.

Is Outlook Express also wrong? I have no other Mailer to test with.

In any case:

,----- [ From RFC-822 ]
|      The following syntax for the bodies of various fields should
| be  thought  of  as  describing  each field body as a single long
| string (or line).  The "Lexical Analysis of Message"  section  on
| "Long  Header Fields", above, indicates how such long strings can
| be represented on more than one line in  the  actual  transmitted
| message.
| message     =  fields *( CRLF *text )       ; Everything after
|                                             ;  first null line
|                                             ;  is message body
| fields      =    dates                      ; Creation time,
|                  source                     ;  author id & one
|                1*destination                ;  address required
|                 *optional-field             ;  others optional

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.01.3
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