Hello Dwight A Corrin,

on Fri, 2 Jan 2004 19:50:40 -0600 (2004-01-03 02:50:40 in .nl) in the
message with reference <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you [DC]
wrote (at least in part):

DAC> I moved them manually, then did the shft-alt-ctrl-L. It found the
DAC> common folders, and set up a set of common folders which duplicate
DAC> all my accounts.

I have asked before, but still don't know _why_at_all_ shift-ctrl-alt-L
should be used. I know the 'what for' description, but not the 'why'

After ensuring you have backups which can be restored, try this:
- delete such a duplicated folder from your common folder(s)
- a window should pop up, with some options
- choose 'Leave message base files intact'

Close / restart TB.
Verify that the duplicated folder was removed
Verify that the original account folder still exists.

If so, continue with the others.

PS: deleting an account will give you a similar 'Leave account files on
disk' option.

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -
Created the above using
A program which insists to be : The Bat! V2.03 Beta/25
An OS which insists to be     : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

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