Hello Stuart,
Thursday, January 22, 2004, 7:42:55 AM, you wrote:

sec> When should bayesit start doing it's stuff?

sec> For the last few days I've received a number of near identical
sec> messages telling me that i need to update my system with the
sec> attached security fix.

sec> I know that the mail is junk and the the file is a virus.

sec> Each copy of the message that comes in I mark as junk. I thought
sec> that this process was supposed to 'teach' bayesit so that it
sec> would throw away the crap when it came in.

sec> Either I'm doing something wrong or, well, not. If I'm doing it
sec> right then why isn't bayesit catching this stuff?

I have been using Bayesit for some time now and it had been working
just fine. In the last little while it has quit working altogether. I
don't know if it is just here, but I think it may be since Beta 40.
As far as training goes, it doesn't take that many when it is working
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/45 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 

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